May 21, 2010

::My Fair Lady::

(Just beware this post is much shorter than what I will usually write, don't worry. It's late, so I wanted to just throw something out there!)

My first post... EVER.

And of course, I had to write about something I absolutely love... So I picked one of my favorite movies: My Fair Lady. I started watching it this morning and then finished it after dinner tonight.

And then it was like my first post just fell in my lap. You know the extravagant/beautiful,over-the-top hats the women wear at Ascot? The horse race in the first act? Well, I just had to write a post on hats after seeing them!

So I looked up just a few hats, and wanted to compare them with Audrey Hepburn's hat above:

Ahh... Marc Jacobs. I love these. Trendy, and cool. Good for just walking in the city, don't you think?

Juicy Couture

Imagine yourself and this hat... sitting on the beach, listening to the waves and birds, in the sun but under an umbrella... YUM.

Also Juicy

Loooove it. Oh! And then my favorite:

Juicy of course

Pink, pink, and more pink! That's every girl's motto, right? Well, here's my example of a gorgeous, yet simple hat. Reminds you of Audrey, right? I think so, too.

xoxo Love, a lady

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